Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Introductions. The Maiden Post

Let's take the opportunity to make some introductions on this blog that I am starting right now.
Hello, my name is J. (Yes, my full first name is a single letter.)

I'm a guy living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the United Sates. Portland, Oregon to be specific. One of the best things about living here is there is almost no end to the beer, wine, and amazing food. And I love all of it. I love making it and I love enjoying it.

This blog is inspired by my exploring the variety of beer available in 22oz bottles at the grocery store.  Microbrews. And the aisle is full of them.
As I was picking one up from the store the other day I joked about it being for my blog. Ha ha ha, because I'm not that hipster or pretentious.
Or am I?

We'll talk about all kinds of delicious stuff. Maybe I'll take photos of my plate at a restaurant.
Sure, beer, but also wines and food. Really I'd like to not put too many labels on what this blog might be.
No pressure. Let's have a beer and talk about it.